Dear blog friends and coaching fans,
The world is subjective is the description of the first principle of abundance. This actually very simple insight is nevertheless difficult for us Westerners to grasp. We have chosen to prioritize the cognitive. At the expense of intuition, unfortunately.
Our view of the world and especially our view of man is based on rules, supposed physical laws and on unbending ideas of how the ideal human being should be. But even the rules of physics, which seemed so irrefutable to us, are constantly changing. The idea of how an ideal person - or partner - should be is often rigid. We hold on to what we have learned without checking it, because at least it gives us a framework. Security...? Acceptance...?
But the realization that the world is subjective and each one of us is unique is what makes the journey exciting. Or does it?
Our perception of things is threefold:
1. My personal crystal ball
Our inner voice, our appearance, self-images, in short: our footprint. Then there would be our creativity, our body of work, our voice, our tribe, our offspring. Our location. With so many variables, it is actually already clear that the world must be subjective. Because whatever we put into our personal glass ball will be different from everyone else's. By the way: here the Huna philosophy shows great similarity to the I-Ching, which I also follow intensively.
We take in what comes to us from the immediate environment. Later we select. We divide our impressions into the wanted and the unwanted. The older we get, the more we learn to distinguish nuances. We even strive for it, because we want to be "different". I distinguish myself, and with that, I separate myself from others. As I get even older, I begin to evaluate. What I perceive, feel, and see becomes my truth, the only truth. That - so we think - is the world. "That's just the way it is!"
2. My personal glasses
Then there is our brain, which processes all the perceived, "maps it", as it is scientifically called and thus creates our personal glasses. Since our brain works on autopilot, we do not consciously perceive what we have actually fed into it, how we have - in other words - programmed the computer. Many things we have not programmed ourselves, they have simply flowed into it.
School, parents, environment, language, climate zone, spiritual orientation, life goals, wishes, hopes. All that. Big fat glasses. Yet we are still convinced that we could judge things neutrally.
3. You and my world
Out of my glass ball, through my glasses I see YOU. The view has long since ceased to be neutral. Nevertheless, we firmly believe in what we see and how we see it. We do not perceive that the other is changing with us in real time. We make assumptions about YOU based on our subjective perception and draw wrong conclusions. Often significant and momentous compromises are made as a result. One agrees on what is common. Could there be a different way?
This is the subject area of the first principle of abundance. It challenges us quite a bit! It is well worth learning about.
I would like to insert a small hint on my own behalf:
I will offer the 7 Principles of Abundance as workshops in April, one in German, and the other in English.
Thank you for noticing.
So you could see the first principle as a kind of site review. It involves being clear about how I evaluate others and how I react to the evaluation of others. Is this a field of conflict or is it a bed on which we grow?
This first principle teaches us to learn to accept ourselves and others. To do this, we must discard some of what we have picked up throughout our lives. Once I become aware of it, it is no longer difficult.
The Huna teachings speak of "brightening ". I see more than just myself and my world.
As simple as the 7 principles are, they have a profound effect on our lives. There are no rules to follow, but insights that everyone can integrate into their lives on their own responsibility. The first step is an ode to mutual respect.
Thank you for your time and interest and I would be very happy to see you in my workshop.
Best regards!
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Translated with www.DeepL.com